Please reply to this message if you are experiencing technical difficulty. For all other inquiries, please Contact USFA.
You are subscribed to Training, Resources and Data Exchange Network (TRADENET) for U.S. Fire Administration. This information has recently been updated.
Welcome to TRADENET, TRADE's Training Network, a National Fire Academy sponsored activity. The objective of TRADENET is to provide a forum for members of Fire Service organizations to maximize performance through quick and easy information sharing.
The information provided here must be non-commercial and non-copyrighted. None of the material shared should be incorporated into any copyrighted programs.
The TRADENET newsletter is distributed through the USFA/FEMA server. This allows you to control your subscription easier by allowing you to add new email addresses or delete old ones. There are over 31,766 subscribers worldwide to the weekly newsletter. This is an increase of 326 subscriptions since the July 16th newsletter. If you know of someone who wishes to subscribe, all they need to do is go to the following site, and enter your email address. They will then be taken to a page which will allow them to select their choices of newsletters.
If you have a question or comment for inclusion in the weekly TRADENET newsletter, please send it and your contact information to Please be sure and include your Department or Organization name, your email address and any other method you wish to receive feedback. USFA reserves the right to edit content submitted or reject any material submitted.
Are you familiar with the training program called “Coffee Break Training?” It is on the USFA website and can be found at Please access this training and provide any feedback to the Deputy Superintendent Robert Neale at He will be happy to receive any feedback regarding this program.
Remember the Website for the National Fallen Firefighters program is Also, please visit their Resources page at This page contains many PowerPoint presentations and downloadable video clips available for your use.
Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education Program
Be sure to check out the new look for the model curriculum in its print-/handout-ready format. While there, view the new FESHE bachelor’s courses outlines that reflect the new Web-based formats delivered by the Degrees at a Distance Program schools. You can also download under the “Tools and Resources” section the new FESHE brochure in its DHS/FEMA configuration or take the same marketing piece without our logo and customize it with your own logo and content. You can also download the artwork for a FESHE tabletop display for conferences and classroom buildings which, again, is in both formats.
Visit the new page at
The link to the USFA/NFA TRADE Site is:
To enroll in NFAOnline, visit and browse the course catalog through the ‘New Students’ option.
Go to NFAOnline to see the complete COURSE CATALOG
Additional courses are now available on NFA Online:
Hot Topics in Fire Protection (P138) Pilot Courses Scheduled
The United States Fire Administration (USFA), Department of Homeland Security, is recruiting students and instructor candidates to attend pilot classes for its new six-day on-campus course Hot Topics in Fire Protection. The pilot will be offered October 18 to 23, 2009 at the National Emergency Training Center in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Students will arrive Saturday October 17 and depart Saturday, October 24.
Hot Topics in Fire Protection is intended to help students discover what’s new in fire protection by exploring how current events, products and trends apply to you and your jurisdiction.
- How to “scan the environment” and conduct valid research into new technologies, trends, laws and products.
- How to read, interpret and apply fire protection research, human behavior studies, fire dynamics research, fire protection law and emerging issues.
- How to identify emerging local, regional and state fire protection challenges; and develop technically-based strategic solutions.
- How technology develops and can be transferred to solve local issues.
- What significant changes are in the short- and long-term future for fire protection systems and equipment.
- How fire protection plays a part in all-hazards preparedness and response.
Using modern research tools, and student-centric learning, attendees will learn: how to evaluate technological and human behavior topics that exist in fire protection, the wide variety of research resources available, and how to collect and present that information in a meaningful way that can effect change to reduce fire losses or enhance understanding of new technologies.
Pilots are highly participatory among the instructors, course developers and students. Attendees are expected to contribute their ideas and expertise to improve course content and delivery. Attending a pilot does not affect a student’s ability to obtain another travel stipend within the fiscal year.
More information and application at:
I am an ARES radio operator, not a fireman. We are trying to adapt to ICS training to work with law enforcement and firefighters. Is there any training that we can take to assist firemen with additional communication and doing menial tactical items that take firemen away from the primary business of putting out fires?
David M Gray Sr.
We are a small career department in North Carolina. I am looking into the possibility of operating a hybrid ladder/rescue company. The company would operate two apparatus, a 105’ aerial and a heavy rescue truck. The truck which they responded would be determined by the nature of the call. I was curious if anyone else ran a company like this and if so any info, SOG’s, or implementation advice would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Trey Young
Weaverville Fire Department
Cell: (828) 776-3405
We are near putting in service our new ladder truck which is an E-One Bronto Skylift Articulating Aerial. I am need of any power points, SOP, and if you have any supporting documentation of issues you have found with your Bronto since you have had it in service. For example, reach limitations, best placement on residential and commercial fires, etc. I am sure there are not many differences between a Bronto and a normal Aerial with a basket, but seeing as this is a new piece of equipment to our organization and I want to make sure I have all of my bases covered.
Thank you all,
Frank Ricci
Battalion Chief/Training Officer
Casa Grande Fire Department
Station (520) 421-8777 x5988
Fax (520) 836-9528
Nextel (520) 251-3007
I am requesting information regarding on-board cameras on fire apparatus and fire station cameras including vendors and cost from departments that are utilizing cameras.
Dennie C. Boyt
Fire Chief
Natchitoches Fire Department
I am doing research for my final EFO applied research paper. The subject material is Critical Incident Stress Management. Could you please take the time to fill out the questionnaire at the following link –
If you have any other information that you believe would be helpful please email it to me.
Thanks in advance for your time and assistance!
George L. Thomas IV
B Shift Safety Officer
Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue Services
Cell (301) 418-8652
Direct Connect 164*17223*134
Office (301) 600-9331
# 6
The Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue Department is in the process of developing a pregnancy policy. If any department would like to share their policy it would be most appreciated. We are specifically looking at term limits on when a female should go from a combat position to a non-combat position.
Thank you in advance.
Jo-Ann Lorber
Captain - EMS Bureau
Fort Lauderdale Fire-Rescue
Office: (954) 828-6809
Mobile: (954) 232-6679
Fax: (954) 828-6843
# 7
As the Safety Officer for the Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue I am looking for how other departments inspect and test ladder belts used by firefighters on trucks. Any input you have related to policies, procedures and standards for the inspection of ladder belts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter.
George L. Thomas IV
B Shift Safety Officer
Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue Services
Cell (301) 418-8652
Direct Connect 164*17223*134
Office (301) 600-9331
# 8
Our Department is selling our training center to the state for use as a regional Training Center. There is a proposal to reconfigure our training division from a traditional structure of a head training officer, admin person and a staff from our department- whose numbers vary widely depending on the city’s economic status- to that of completely outsourcing the training function to contract instructors (retired firefighters from our city and surrounding towns), with oversight provided by a 2-3 person training staff from our Department. Is anyone currently using such a model for your training needs and what are the pros and cons and challenges you’ve experienced when you adopted and run such a model?
We are a full time, career, 258 member department, with 8 stations protecting a city of 150k in 32 sq. miles.
Any information, history or informed opinions will be gratefully received and considered. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter.
Captain Stanislaus Skarzynski
Director of Training
Springfield Fire Department
Office: (413) 787-6417
Fax: (413) 750-2420
# 9
I am looking for input to determine when fire departments require after action reports to be written. What criteria do you use to determine if one is to be done? Who reviews them? What is the required turn around from start to finish? Do you have a template that you follow for each report? Thanks for your time and input!
George L. Thomas IV
B Shift Safety Officer
Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue Services
Cell (301) 418-8652
Direct Connect 164*17223*134
Office (301) 600-9331
# 10
My department is researching issuing portable radios to each firefighter rather than having them rig mounted. Any SOG’s, Policies, and/or Pros and Cons that anyone has experienced would be greatly appreciated.
Eric Globerger
Lake Forest Fire Department
# 11
We are presently in the process of placing two 75ft straight sticks in service as Quads, I'm looking for any information on inventory and SOP/SOG on the use of such apparatus, any information would be helpful, Thank you.
Lt Lee Finlayson
Grand Rapids Fire Dept
# 12
We’ve recently purchased and installed a Milnor Gear Guardian Washer Extractor (40 lbs capacity), but opted to not buy the aftermarket auto soap dispenser (thus far). The Washer-Extractor comes with 10 standard pre-programmed cycles. There are cycles for turnout gear, station clothes, etc. We’ve decided to use liquid Tide, but do not know how much soap for each of these cycles. Has anyone else developed or researched a guideline?
Deputy Fire Chief
Willimantic Fire Department
Office: (860) 465-3120
Mobile: (860) 617-3227
# 13
Our department is interested in improving the report writing skills of our personnel, especially those involved with doing the narratives on our NIMS reports. If any of you have a training program or know of one available I would be greatly appreciative.
Ken Carr
Fire Marshal
Florence Fire Department
Office: (843) 665-3231
Mobile: (843) 495-0320
# 14
I am in the process of writing my final ARP for the Executive Fire Officer Program. My research concerns Critical Incident Stress Management. If you have or utilize a CISM team can you please send me the following:
1. How many personnel are in your fire department?
2. The type of CISM model your department follows? For example the Mitchell Model or something else?
3. The name of your fire department
4. A contact person's information
5. Sample SOP’s for CISM
6. Any other input on CISM you would like to share with me
Thanks for your assistance in my research!
George L. Thomas IV
B Shift Safety Officer
Frederick County Division of Fire and Rescue Services
Cell (301) 418-8652
Direct Connect 164*17223*134
Office (301) 600-9331
# 15
Does anyone have a table/list of fireground LODDs that shows the type of structure burning and the elapsed time when the emergency/mayday occurred? I am interested in quantifying how long after the time of alarm or first company on the scene until the emergency/mayday occurred. I would also be interested in the number of firefighters dispatched on the initial alarm or on the scene when the emergency/mayday occurred. I know this is a lot and some of the USFA and NIOSH reports have this info but before I start tabulating it myself I thought I would ask.
Drew Smith
Deputy Chief
Prospect Heights Fire Protection District
(847) 253-8060
FAX: (847) 253-4759
NEXTEL: (847) 366-1782
# 16
I am a member of a visiting committee for the New Hampshire Fire Academy. We have been tasked with developing a vehicle and machinery rescue technician program that complies with the 2008 edition of NFPA 1006. I am looking for curriculums, syllabuses, course material, or any other pertinent information that covers all or any part of the NFPA standard for vehicle and machinery rescue.
Battalion Chief Jack Webb
Derry Fire Department
------------------------------INFORMATIONAL ITEMS--------------
2009 U.S. Line of Duty Deaths 60 LODD’s
2008 U.S. Line of Duty Deaths 114 LODD’s
Visit FIREFIGHTERNEARMISS.COM and check out the Report of the Week(ROTW) for an incident description followed by review questions designed to spark discussion. We can all learn from these.
If you find the Virtual TRADEing Post useful, please send an email to Nashid Hasan Nash is the mastermind behind the structure of the Virtual TRADEing Post. So, please let Nash know how much you appreciate the availability of this material and how useful you find it.
The VIRTUAL TRADING POST SYSTEM now allows you to search for material by key word(s). Check it out! Go to Louisiana State University Fire and Emergency Training Institute's NFA TRADE page:
and access it there.
This is a new web address for the Virtual Trading Post. If you had it bookmarked, delete your old bookmark, go to this new page and bookmark the new page.
As part of its continual effort to improve information sharing across the emergency response and homeland security communities, launched a new partnership with the US Fire Administration (USFA). The USFA strives to provide national leadership to local fire and emergency services departments. To highlight the new partnership, has created a new USFA Resource Page where members can access USFA technical and special reports, related original content, featured documents, and valuable links. To access the resource page, log onto and click on US Fire Administration under LLIS.GOV PARTNERS.
The Team continues to post new Lessons Learned, Best Practices, Practice Notes, and Good Stories to the system on a regular basis. Weekly updates about new original content can be found in the NEW LLIS.GOV CONTENT box on the homepage of recently posted the following original content documents drawn from USFA Technical Reports:
Lessons Learned
- Fire Operations: Determining if Local Water Systems Can Meet Demand during Major Fires (Reno, NV Twelve-Fatality Hotel Arson, 2006)
Fire departments’ pre-planning processes should determine if local water systems are capable of meeting the demand necessary for fighting major fires. - Incident Management: Locating Public Information Operations Close to the Command Area (Apex, NC Chemical Fire, 2006)
Incident commanders should consider locating public information operations in close proximity to the command area. - Emergency Management: Updating Incident Action Plans Throughout an Incident’s Response (Apex, NC Chemical Fire, 2006)
Incident commanders should consider having incident action plans routinely updated during extended response activities. - Fire Operations: Training Personnel in Specialized Tactics for Incidents at Power Plants (Rhea County, TN Watts Bar Hydroelectric Plant Fire, 2002)
Fire departments that have power plants located within their area of operations should ensure that their personnel are trained in the appropriate specialized tactics. This will enable the departments to respond successfully to incidents at the plants. - Incident Command: Appointing a Public Information Officer (Ardent Sentry Full-Scale Exercise, 2007)
Incident command should ensure that an appropriately trained individual serves as public information officer during an incident response. This individual should understand his or her media management responsibilities and should be able to interface with the emergency operations center and joint information center. - Incident Management: Identifying Remote Staging Areas (Apex, NC Chemical Fire, 2006)
Incident commanders should identify potential remote staging areas for use during response operations when resources may be exposed to unacceptable hazards. This enables incident commanders to relocate and protect resources from potential exposures. - Mass Evacuation: Planning for the Evacuation of Special Needs Populations (Apex, NC Chemical Fire, 2006)
Emergency managers should develop clear, concise plans that address the evacuation of their special needs populations in the event of an incident. - Pre-Incident Site Planning: Acquiring Diagrams and Plans for Power Plants and Industrial Facilities (Rhea County, TN Watts Bar Hydroelectric Plant Fire, 2002)
Fire departments should acquire diagrams and pre-plans for local power plants and other industrial facilities in their area. It is critical that these facilities provide fire departments with all information necessary to respond to an incident on their premises.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- has partnered with the Emergency Management and Response – Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EMR-ISAC) to provide members access to the EMR-ISAC’s free, critical infrastructure protection (CIP) information. Located at the National Emergency Training Center in Emmitsburg, MD, the EMR-ISAC was developed to collect, analyze, and disseminate timely, consequential information to assist in the practice of critical infrastructure protection by the leaders, owners, and operators of the nation’s Emergency Services Sector.
The EMR-ISAC, a no-cost information sharing program within the Department of Homeland Security, specifically provides information necessary to protect local internal critical infrastructures (i.e., personnel, physical assets, and communication/cyber systems that must be intact and operational 24 x 7) against all hazards, from natural disasters to terrorist activities. The program’s main focus is ensuring that emergency response leadership, their organizations, and local policy leaders have both the internal and external support and resources to aid in disaster protection, prevention, and response to enhance survivability, continuity of operations, and mission success.
The EMR-ISAC can be contacted at or 301-447-1325. To view the EMR-ISAC page on, please click here or login to and click on the EMR-ISAC link on the homepage. To subscribe for the free critical infrastructure protection (CIP) information disseminated by the Emergency Management and Response—Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EMR-ISAC), please click on the following link:
CHEMTREC® – the Chemical Transportation Emergency Center – has created a new training video for the Emergency Response community. To view and download a free copy of CHEMTREC® An Overview for Emergency Responders, visit CHEMTREC®, an emergency responder’s first line of defense, is a 24/7/365 emergency call center that provides immediate information and assistance to anyone, anywhere, involved in a hazardous material or dangerous goods incident. CHEMTREC® is an initiative of the American Chemistry Council has been a world leader in the hazmat response community since 1971. CHEMTREC® - The Right Information at the Right Time. For additional information, please contact Donna Lepik at
Thanks for your time.
Donna L. Lepik
Director, Outreach & Special Programs/Staff Executive
The United States Fire Administration recommends everyone should have a comprehensive fire protection plan that includes smoke alarms, residential sprinklers, and practicing a home fire escape plan.
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U.S. Fire Administration · U.S. Department of Homeland Security · Emmitsburg, MD 21727 · (301) 447-1000