Friday, October 23

Notice of Firefighter Fatality - Clinton, MS

The United States Fire Administration (USFA) has received notice of the following firefighter fatality:

Name: John Thurman
Rank: Captain
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Status: Career
Years of Service: 21
Date of Incident: 10/21/2009
Time of Incident: 1700hrs
Date of Death: 10/21/2009

Fire Department: Clinton Fire Department
Address: 1234 Clinton-Raymond RD, Clinton, MS 39056 (USNG: 15S YR 5044 8023)

Fire Department Chief: Barry Burnside
Fire Department POC: Jeff Blackledge

Incident Description: Captain Thurman passed away from a cause still to be determined while on-duty performing fitness activities in a park adjacent to his fire station.

Incident Location: West Northside Drive (USNG: 15S YR 4873 8379)

Funeral Arrangements: Pending

Memorial Fund Contact and Address: In honor of Captain John Thurman, c/o

Tribute is being paid to Captain John Thurman at

To date, 76 firefighter fatalities have been reported to USFA in 2009; 74 from incidents that occurred in 2009 and two from previous year incidents.  Year-to-date monthly and annual USFA firefighter fatality reports are posted online @




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U.S. Fire Administration · U.S. Department of Homeland Security · Emmitsburg, MD 21727 · (301) 447-1000